Saturday, January 31, 2009

Jennifer Quinn and Koochie Koo

Mom of 2 and new owner of Koochie Koo Products, Jen is the crafter behind the wonderful Lil'Baby Bums, Buddha Belly Butter, Stuffed Up and more. These great products are handmade here in the Valley in small batches using local and organic ingredients. The Diaper Salve Lil' Baby Bums is safe for cloth diapers and works great as a preventitive and a rash cure.

We are proudly fully stocked on these great handmade products, brought to you by a local Mom!

If your pregnant I dare you to smell the Buddha Belly Butter....mmmmm White Chocolate.

Monday, January 26, 2009


Antelier Pippilotta; Dutch Waldorf Craft and Doll making kits.
Arriving will be the "Spring" inspired kits. Followed by of course
the kits to welcome Summer.
These are very inexpensive and great for beginners!

These should be here next week!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Sarah's Silks

Use Your Imagination

Sarah's silks is dedicated to helping young,
growing minds through imaginative play. When
children's inner creative life is nurtured, they grow
up well rounded and stronger. They offer quality
playsilks, toys and dress-ups for boys and girls.
Their silks ignite the magical soul that lives in young children.

Responsibility For A Better World

Silk is an ancient Chinese material. This comapny
personally visits the small village near Shanghai
where our silks are hand-hemmed by locals.
Many of the products are also sewn and packaged
by people working in their homes in Sonoma County.
In both the US and China, these men and women have
the opportunity to provide family income while still being
at home with their children. Sarah's Silks is committed
to using quality materials and their products meet the
highest US and EU toy safety standards.

This is a line that Kris and I are very passionate about.
Imaginative play is the most important play. Our world is
drawn to toys that do all the playing, leaving nothing but
blinking lights and commercial ties to the toy.
Open-ended toys allow the child to learn about themselves
through expression not a toy telling them the latest phrase.

A playsilk or silkscape, can be a cape, a bonnet, a picnic blanket
for dolls friends, a dolls hammock, sling and sleigh.
For a great game of peek-a-boo between siblings to the ceiling of
a magical(closet)fairy cave.
Many creative and fun uses from just 1 toy. 100% silk.

We love them!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Big Stuff

We have a lot of cool big ticket items in. So if your looking for....

Peg Perego ATV in mint condition $99.98
Chariot Cavalier double jogger stroller $249.98
Cozy Coupe Police Car $29.98
Jumperoo $54.98
Intellitainer(fancy exersaucer)$54.98
Safety 1st double stroller $99.98
Light wood crib with mattress $114.98
Lamaze Dream Screen $49.98
Blue Ergo Baby carrier $69.98
Pink Moby Wrap $49.98
Bead Maze play table $19.98
Little Tikes Desk/Easle $39.98
Cosatto stroller $44.98
Change Table $19.98
Brand new Robeez and Robeez Mini Shoes...tonnes to choose from.

This is only a sample of big stuff we also have swings, rocking chairs, bouncy chairs
vanity's and more!

It never sticks around too long, so don't wait!

Sunday, January 18, 2009


2 Moms, Best Friends and between them they have 5 children. The owners of Jamtots.
A Victoria business of making, selling and using cloth diapers and accessories.
They are the wisdom behind our Berry Plush, Sugar Peas, Baby Kangas, wet bags, wipes and hemp inserts. So having listed those you see they are the makers of some great products on our shelves. Their diaper storage wet bags are the best on the market, as well as the large pail liners. If you are in search of a work horse nightime insert the Jamtots One-Size Hemp insert is
your answer. Sugar Peas hemp fitted diapers and wool flannel diaper covers are antibacterial, breathable and easy to use.

Another Great Local Company!

Monday, January 12, 2009


We are starting a new article, every week we will tell you a little bit about some of the
products we carry and the company's they come from.

SewFunky Ontario's Tanja Mackenzie is a momma of 4 and the creator of SewFunky. She has been sewing her amazing creations for 15 years, they can be be found all across the globe. She is the maker of our beautiful Ring Slings and Organic Bamboo Panda Wraps. Tanja has become a great friend and very wise in the ways of Babywearing, homeschooling and cloth diapering. Kristina and I searched high and low for the best made slings and wraps and we were led to Tanja.
I am a huge lover of the Ring Sling, come by the store and you'll see little Maile snuggled to me.
I find it easy to use, fits in your bag, easy to wash and versitle. The sling can be used from birth until over 40lbs. My toddler loved the "supported piggy back" position well past age 2. For Maile my favorite carry is on the hip. That way baby can interact with me as well as the outside world. The extra long stylish "tail" makes a great cover for sun/rain and nursing privacy.
My favorite perk is the ease of use, it literally takes me 2 seconds to get Maile in the sling and we are on our way into the grocery store. No buckles no adjusting no thinking about which coat to wear so my carrier fits. The quality in Tanja's work is 2nd to none as all pieces are handmade and most fabrics are certified organic! Tanja can also make a matching toddler sling to carry around a baby just like mom ;)
Come on down to the store and see why we love to support this talented Stay at Home Mom.
Yeah SewFunky!!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy New Year!

Thanks everyone for a great Holiday Season! Now it's back to the grind... Our diaper workshop
is still set for Jan 12 at 6pm. This class is full but if you have pre-registered then you will be getting a reminder email a few days before.
We have some great new diaper products coming in, Diaper Odor remover, Bamboo wipes, Organic prefolds, and some locally made spray on "wipes" solution. We have also put in a huge Jamtots order to get those so popular Large Wet/laundry bags, we have a hard time keeping those in store, so if you are waiting they are coming this week.
Something exciting!.....If any of you mommas are thinking of Private school for your kiddo's or would like to learn more, there is going to be a Waldorf private school opening up next fall here in the valley. You can email Rebecca for more details or stop into the store.
On the Waldorf note; we have a large catalouge if your looking for homeschool supplies or specialty items. We are also bringing in many more Waldorf art supplies and open ended toys.
All the best for a great 2009!