Monday, February 9, 2009

Grab Your Bag Comox Valley!

"Grab Your Bag" is the final phase of the Comox Valley Chamber of Commerce campaign to dramatically reduce single use plastic bags in the Comox Valley. You can get the coveted Eco-Bag at Little Me for only $1.

The Comox Valley Chamber of Commerce wants to see business and citizens working together to dramatically reduce plastic bag use in the Comox Valley.We want to show what is possible when a critical mass of shoppers start buying and using re-usable bags - and remembering to bring them back to the store. If we reduce our use by 50-80% we will make a huge difference! Even if we take our meats and frozen items in plastic and all our dried goods/fruit and veggies in reusable bags will achieve a significant reduction.
The Eco-Bag is made from recycled plastic single use bags.
These will be available Tuesday Feb 10th!

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