Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Cloth Diaper 101 Workshop

Hello Everyone, we are gearing up for our first Cloth Diaper Workshop.
The date is still TBA, but we are looking towards the mid-end of July.
It will be in the evening and hosted by our in house cloth momma Jenn Quinn.
So if you have ever wondered what is up with all the different cloth diapers out there,
and prices and what it takes to get started, then come into Little Me and sign up.
It's free and there will be lots of cool information and money saving coupons.
Tel 250.334.3483
or come on down to the store, limited spaces available!


Little Me said...

4 spaces left!!

Unknown said...

Quick question, would it be silly to think about starting with cloth now? Oliver is 8 months. If not I would like to be a maybe but if you need my spot for someone else that would be fine. Thanks :)

Kris said...

Nope definitely not to late to start, I started Gavyn at 7 months, it is going great. So much easier then I thought. Wishing I had used cloth for Kamryn there are so many benefits for you and your babe.
Workshop would be a great place to start, lets you know all the different diapering options that are available to you. I can put you on the list no problem

Cinderella said...

Hey Ladies!
Loved your post on CVK :)
Do you want some discount coupons from Cinderella Diaper Service in case someone wants to use cloth without having to launder? Let me know and I can drop some off!!
It's great to see what you're doing in the store!!
:) Kendra

Little Me said...

1 Spot left!!