Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy New Year!

Thanks everyone for a great Holiday Season! Now it's back to the grind... Our diaper workshop
is still set for Jan 12 at 6pm. This class is full but if you have pre-registered then you will be getting a reminder email a few days before.
We have some great new diaper products coming in, Diaper Odor remover, Bamboo wipes, Organic prefolds, and some locally made spray on "wipes" solution. We have also put in a huge Jamtots order to get those so popular Large Wet/laundry bags, we have a hard time keeping those in store, so if you are waiting they are coming this week.
Something exciting!.....If any of you mommas are thinking of Private school for your kiddo's or would like to learn more, there is going to be a Waldorf private school opening up next fall here in the valley. You can email Rebecca for more details or stop into the store.
On the Waldorf note; we have a large catalouge if your looking for homeschool supplies or specialty items. We are also bringing in many more Waldorf art supplies and open ended toys.
All the best for a great 2009!

1 comment:

Dana said...

What are you taking for consignment right now?